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Verve Greens Powder – my honest review of the Benefits, Taste and Morning Routine

Fitness Health Wellbeing Mini Beauty Buzz

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Verve (or VaVaVerve, as they’re commonly known) is a UK-based brand that sells an 80-ingredient greens drink backed by science.

Verve is FDA-approved. The greens powder is free from allergens and vegan/vegetarian safe.

They kindly sent me their V80 kit, which includes a large greens pouch, glass water bottle, refillable stainless steel storage tin, and two recyclable serving scoops. I’m here to review it after building it into my morning routine for three weeks.

Verve greens drink review- premium welcome kit
I was sent the Verve premium welcome kit containing a large greens pouch, glass water bottle, refillable stainless steel storage tin, and two recyclable serving scoops

Table of contents:

What is a green drink?

My Mum asked me to explain when I told her about the drink I was having each morning. Embarrassingly, I didn’t exactly know how to explain it properly. I know it’s because of all the vitamins and minerals it contains, plus the colour is green—but after reading the Verve website, it’s because the powder is made up of blended vegetables. That’s where all the goodness comes from.

Verve green drink - close up of the powder
Verve green drink – close-up of the powder

What ingredients are in Verve?

One of the big points mentioned on their website is how transparent they are about the 80 all-natural ingredients in each scoop.

They have an ingredients page that lets you filter to see how the ingredients help different benefits (energy, focus etc). You can also filter by type of ingredient (vitamins/minerals, greens/fruits, pre/probiotics, adaptogens), which is handy if you’re looking for a specific vitamin.

Verve ingredients filter available by benefit, including energy, focus etc
Verve ingredients filter available by benefit, including energy, focus etc
Verve ingredients filter available by benefit, including adaptogens, probiotics, vitamins/minerals
Verve ingredients filter available by type – vitamins/minerals, greens, pre/probiotics, adaptogens

The greens and fruits ingredients include spinach, carrot extract, turmeric, and rosehip extract – over 40 are listed on the ingredients page. I take a turmeric pill daily as it’s good for inflammation and (try) to eat spinach, but honestly, when I fry it, it reduces to nothing, so it’s hardly worth the effort.

Giving you the entire range of vitamins, greens and minerals your body needs on a daily basis, Verve is already packed with the good stuff. But with a group of carefully chosen superfoods blended into the mix, it’s a nutritional powerhouse.

Verve website
Verve green drink - nutritional table of all ingredients
Verve green drink – nutritional table of all ingredients

How do you use and drink Verve?

You take one scoop daily, a full serving, in water. You get the measuring scoop in their welcome pack, which is offered for free at the time of writing (worth £45).

In the welcome kit, you also get the water bottle, which has horizontal lines on it. This helps you know where to add water if you want a strong, recommended, or lighter-tasting drink. I drink less than the strong line!

The taste

I’ve tried a few other green drinks—Huel and Rheal—but I’ve never been able to stick with any because I don’t enjoy the taste.

I want a green drink to become something I enjoy, part of my morning routine that sets me up for the day and makes me feel better. If it tastes like a leaf, then I won’t continue with it. I’m happy to say I’m enjoying the taste of Verve, especially when I add a few drops of lemon juice. It’s a sweet taste and doesn’t have a lingering effect.

Verve green drink - close up
Verve green drink – close up

What benefits have I seen?

Daily vitamins

I currently take 8-10 daily vitamins in the morning (yes, I rattle). I’d much rather drink something like Verve, which gives me what I need (and more). I currently spend on average £35 per month on numerous vitamins, most of which I’ll be able to stop buying because Verve contains them.

Morning coffee and good habits

I usually have my morning coffee within 30 minutes of waking up, and it’s the first thing I drink. This is bad for you, in case you weren’t aware! Now, whilst my coffee is brewing, I have my morning Verve, a scoop of collagen that I was adding to my coffee, and a few drops of lemon juice. Lemon juice can help cleanse your body by removing toxins.

Then I have my coffee, so it isn’t the first thing that hits my stomach.

It has integrated into my morning so quickly that it’s now a habit and something I’d miss. Those small habits help make a day feel positive and productive. I feel like I set myself up for a good day when I start it so well with a healthy drink.

Verve green drink review - refillable stainless steel storage tin
The Verve refillable stainless steel storage tin fits nicely on my kitchen worktop (near the coffee, of course)

How I’m feeling

UPDATE: during my 4th week of taking Verve, I ran my 2nd fastest-ever 5k. This was during a stressful week; being in my luteal phase; not running for a week, and just… feeling pretty crappy. I haven’t seen improvements to my running pace in months, so I’m chuffed to bits. Obviously, I can’t say it’s Verve, but I’m pretty sure it is 🙂

I can’t say for sure it was Verve but a few weeks after drinking it, I did my 2nd fastest 5k after being stagnant with my time for months!

Changes like this have to become part of my daily routine – a habit – or I’ll stop because I forget, don’t like it or can’t be bothered. For me, a new habit has got to slot easily into my current routine and make it better without much effort. It goes out the window pretty quickly if it takes too long, or I don’t see a benefit.

It’s worth noting that I haven’t been taking it long enough to see all of the benefits yet.

Verve green drink - benefits after 30, 60 and 90 days
Verve green drink – benefits after 30, 60 and 90 days

Benefits after 30 days:

If you’re severely vitamin deficient you may begin to feel a change almost immediately as your body absorbs the nutrients its lacking. You may start to feel more energetic, focused and alert.

This is after 30 days described on the Verve website

Benefits after 60 days:

After 2 months consistently taking Verve V80 every day your metabolism and digestion will be improved.

This is after 60 days described on the Verve website

Benefits after 90 days:

After 90 days you will have established a new routine and this regular dose of 80 vitamins and minerals means a stronger immunity.

This is after 90 days described on the Verve website

…a new habit has got to slot easily into my current routine…”

I have thoroughly enjoyed drinking this in the morning for the past three weeks, and I can honestly say I’ll keep it up. I feel lighter in myself and have even started walking again during my lunch break (something I’d stopped for lack of energy). This has made me feel more positive.

I love that about good habits—once you start, they cascade into all other areas of your life, making everything that little bit better.

I still get the post-lunch slump, but it isn’t as bad because I’ve started making slightly better food choices. By 3 p.m., I get a new surge of energy, which positively affects my day job.

I went away for a weekend and even took some with me. I didn’t want to miss out on my habit of starting my mornings right! I took it in a small glass jar. Maybe this is where Verve could be improved – ‘on the go’ sachets.

What if I have intolerances or allergens?

I have many, many intolerances and haven’t noticed any bloating at all.

It’s safe for vegans and vegetarians and free from allergens, which I’ll add as a quote below directly from Verve.

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved. V80 is free from all allergens; including dairy, soy, nuts, gluten and is suitable for both Vegetarians and Vegans

Verve FAQs page

How much is Verve?

To buy it once, it’s £75. It’s cheaper to buy as a monthly subscription:

  • £60 pm for a rolling monthly subscription [30 servings]
  • 3-month subscription plan for £165 (£55 pm) [90 servings]
  • Double subscription for £115 (£57.50 pm) [60 servings]

If you want to try it, I’d suggest the rolling plan – it’s £15 cheaper than buying it once. If you don’t like it within a month, you’ll need to remember to cancel your subscription.

Buy from vavaverve.com

I hope you’ve found my blog useful. If you start a subscription, let me know how you get on with it.

My final thoughts

I really like Verve and will happily pay for a subscription once it runs out. Yes it’s pricey, but to help reduce the sting, I’ll be able to cancel several vitamin subscriptions I currently pay for.

I buy a £4-5 coffee when I go into town without thinking, which is 2-3 days worth of Verve and much more goodness.

However I justify it, it’ll be down to the ingredients and goodness I’m getting. It’s making me feel better, and that’s priceless to me.

As I continue with Verve, I hope it helps during my cycle. I struggle with PMS and period pain. I have high hopes, to be honest. Verve has a blog which details how 12 of the ingredients can help with hormone balance. This list includes magnesium, vitamin D and zinc – three vitamins I’ve purchased in the last few weeks that I won’t be needing anymore!

I’ve mentioned I take daily turmeric pills, which are an ingredient in Verve (something I’m really happy about because this is yet another vitamin I can stop buying individually). What surprised and delighted me, though, is that Verve includes black pepper as an ingredient. While researching turmeric, I found out that some extracts help others absorb better—this is what black pepper does, and this is why I buy turmeric that includes black pepper.

Have a look on their website – vavaverve.com.

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Thank you for reading my blog! I wrote it in July 2024 and last updated it in September 2024. It's tagged with the category Fitness Health Wellbeing Mini Beauty Buzz if you'd like to read more.

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