How do you run when you have a 9-5?

How do you fit in a weekday run when you work 9-5, aren’t a morning person and have a busy 5-9? Welcome to my life. Here is my plan on how to successfully have a 30-minute lunchtime run midweek and be back in time for those afternoon Teams calls. If you get an hour’s lunch […]

How do you stay safe when running? Tips from a woman

I’ve been running on and off for 20 years and wanted to put together a list of all the things I either use or have heard of that’ll help to keep us safe during our running journey. Even if you have all of these things, always be vigilant and have your wits about you. Live […]

Top 9 things to expect when starting Couch to 5k running plan

You’re excited to start your couch to 5k journey and after doing it myself, you’re going to love it! I still run now, a few years since completing couch to 5k twice. It gave me the confidence to pace myself but it didn’t prepare me for everything – that’s what my blog is for! Here […]

Beginners Couch to 5k top 10 popular running questions answered

The couch to 5k program gets you running 5k in 30 minutes over a 9-week plan, by gradually increasing distance and total time running (instead of walking) each week. If you’re out of shape and want to improve your fitness, or never worked out, the program would be a great way for you to get […]